Who We Are

Through our work, mission, and vision, we continue to provide answers to the question: What does it mean to be Filipino?

And with our core values of respect, integrity, teamwork, and professionalism as our anchors, The Filipino School implements innovative programs and advocacies that paves the way for progress and development in the Philippines and beyond.

The Vision: We are One Filipino Family

It’s not just a citizenship, a word before a hyphen, or a part of one’s lineage. But a set of values.

Love for family. Pride for one’s community and heritage. Resilient optimism. Devotion to faith.

We aspire to get this message across through our programs, initiatives, and partnerships. Nurturing in every Filipino a strong sense of ownership and pride in their unique identity. Our common ground as we come together for a common cause.

Mission: To Build and Uplift the Filipino Nation

A Filipino nation united, prosperous, and empowered to make a difference.

This is our hope.

By heralding the idea that all Filipinos, no matter where they are in the world, can come together to work for the benefit of the Philippines and their respective Diaspora communities, the Filipino School will impart a bayanihan spirit designed to make a transformative and holistic impact.

We aim to educate and awaken among Filipinos, especially the next generation, a sense of belonging and awareness of our culture and history.

Mission: To Build and Uplift the Filipino Nation

Respect and Integrity

We will not say or do anything that will harm or embarrass anyone in the community.

We will regard each member and our community in high esteem.

We will not compromise the values of honesty, fairness and credibility for gain and unfair advantage.


Each team member has a responsibility to contribute to the quality of decisions and actions we make.

We will welcome contrarian views, constructive criticisms and healthy debate recognizing that diverse perspectives would only lead to informed decisions.

Personal Behavior and Conduct

We will always conduct ourselves in the best manner possible befitting a person with integrity, professionalism and moral values.

The Filipino School is a registered 501 c(3) nonprofit in San Diego, California. Tax number: 47-2943480.